Run the MedCalc installer medcalcsetup[32/64].msi and install the software on a network share that is accessible from the clients. If you have installed it in the program files folder, you can move the MedCalc program folder to the network share. Clients Network clients must be PC's with Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10. In the MedCalc program folder, you find 2 utilities, mcservsu.exe and mcnetsu.exe that you can use on the clients to configure MedCalc in a network.
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From the clients, locate mcservsu.exe and mcnetsu.exe in the folder in which MedCalc is installed on the server. mcservsu.exe can optionally be used to place the license on the server (see Method 1 below) mcnetsu.exe can be used to configure MedCalc on the clients (see Method 2 below) by registering medcalc.exe and the MedCalc file extension .mc1 in the Windows registry. The MedCalc software is not installed on the clients itself, but it is run on the clients directly from the file server.
After having placed the license on the server, you may still want to run mcnetsu.exe in order to configure medcalc.exe and the MedCalc file extension .mc1 in the registry of the clients. mcnetsu.exe accepts different command line parameters so some of the configuration process can be automated. 2ff7e9595c